Reading Assistant (RA)
Effective Online Treatment for Reading Issues
Reading Assistant is the only online reading tool that uses speech recognition to support and correct students as they read aloud — never missing a teachable moment. No other e-book or program provides comparable support. With the help of a supportive listener, students can build reading fluency and comprehension.
In today’s classroom, it can be difficult to get the one-on-one reading help your child needs. Reading Assistant (RA) is a solution that can help your child dramatically improve reading fluency, the critical bridge to comprehension. When used in conjunction with Fast ForWord, RA has been shown to help students address and overcome a variety of processing and developmental challenges to reach their full potential.
Even hard-to-engage students will practice reading aloud, always without judgment, supported by real-time guidance and feedback. RA is so effective, the program received the Reading Assistant Tech and Learning Awards of Excellence.
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The online Reading Assistant program delivers:
Help When Students Need It: Patented technology provides real-time corrective feedback via speech recognition, enabling students to self-correct as they are reading aloud.
Time Savings for Teachers: Automatic calculation of words correct per minute (WCPM) and immediate access to comprehension and vocabulary reports make tracking students’ progress effortless.
Increased Student Engagement: Reading selections for a variety of interests and reading levels plus frequent comprehension checks keep students motivated and focused on reading for meaning.
Anytime, Anywhere Access: RA is easy to implement at home or on the road with online, on-demand access through the MySciLEARN™ platform.
How Reading Assistant Works
With more than 300 leveled reading selections aligned with Common Core State Standards, RA is the only reading program that “listens” to students as they read out loud, intervenes when students falter and automatically scores students’ oral reading.
When a student has difficulty reading a word, RA provides a visual cue. If the student does not self-correct, the software intervenes by pronouncing the word. Where other programs record a student’s audio but still need someone to review it, RA immediately gives feedback to students and generates reports for teachers.
Students who use the RA program can improve their reading grade level up to 50 percent more than students receiving classroom instruction alone. RA has been implemented in thousands of classrooms across the United States, with benefits extending beyond reading scores alone. Students can see their own progress and monitor their own improvement on reading selections, and the teacher can listen to student’s reading, track progress and quickly identify students who need additional support.
While the RA program has proven extremely effective in school-wide implementations, individuals using the software at home will receive the same powerful benefits. If your child is struggling to read at his or her grade level, you can begin using RA for immediate progress.
To discuss the personalized brain training benefits of the Reading Assistant program,
please contact Learn 2 Focus today at 808-352-0116. - Services are also available online.
““Students love it. They think it’s fun, so it’s highly motivating… By giving students the opportunity to read out loud, listen to their reading, and receive immediate feedback and support… It’s another way to attack those deficits kids might have.””