Autism and Neuroscience: 4 Things You Should Know

Autism Awareness

Aloha! New research on the underlying neurology of autism is exploding as is information on the most effective interventions available to drive positive neurological changes in children on the autism spectrum.

I’d like to share with you this online webinar “Autism Spectrum Disorders: New Research and Interventions” by Dr. Martha Burns. Autism: New Research and Interventions (45 mins) ( She’s the author of over 100 scholarly journals, multiple books and is THE leading expert on neuroscience and how children learn.

Brain - Memory, Attention, Processing, Sequencing

Join Dr. Burns as she discusses the new research and shares data on neuroscience-based interventions that have been shown to enhance language, attention, and social skills in children on the autism spectrum. Learn more from her about how neuroscience-based interventions, such as our Fast ForWord program here at Learn 2 Focus, can help you and your child!

The webinar ends at around 32 minutes, followed with about 20 minutes of Q&A. Here are four interesting tidbits for you:

  1. The benefits of neuroscience technology, such as the Fast ForWord program, include drastic, proven improvement in auditory tracking, language skills, attentional skills and reading skills. (28 min. 16 sec.)

  2. The brain isn’t impaired – it just matures differently! (5 min. 26 sec)

  3. There are genes that we all have that are more vulnerable to mutations than others – and these genes NOT inherited. (13 min. 18 sec.)

  4. Neuroscience-based interventions like the Fast ForWord program can help the child mature in positive ways by rewiring the network paths and targeting specific chemicals in the brain. (24 min. 53 sec.)

Watched the video? Let me know what you think!
Visit to learn more about how we can help you and your child with Fast ForWord and other virtual programs. We have a special summer discount that’s been so well received, we’ve decided to extend it from now through July 3, 2015! We have space to accommodate 6 more virtual training students in Fast ForWord, so email me at or call 808-352-0116.