Discovery of Key Protein in the Brain Necessary for Memory Formation
/A study led by Montreal’s McGill University says it’s possible to change the amount of information our brains can store.
Researchers have identified a molecule that puts a brake on brain processing. When it is removed, brain function and memory recall is improved.
“Previous research has shown that production of new molecules is necessary for storing memories in the brain; if you block the production of these molecules, new memory formation does not take place,” Dr. Keith Murai, the study’s senior author, said in a press release.
“Our findings show that the brain has a key protein that limits the production of molecules necessary for memory formation. When this brake-protein is suppressed, the brain is able to store more information.
The team says the study has implications for things like autism spectral disorders and Alzheimer’s disease.
Murais says that “in autism, one may want to decrease certain brain activity and in Alzheimer’s disease, we may want to enhance the activity,” thus “improving the quality of life of people suffering from brain diseases.”
The study is published in the latest issue of Cell Reports.