Virtual Training: 10 Reasons Why Training From Home Benefits Your Child



noun; and according to Google Search:

1. a major change in ideas or methods in favor of a new system; a “game changer”

2. a complete turn made by something moving around a fixed point; an “about-face”

Virtual Training:  10 Reasons Why Training From Home Benefits Your Child

Why try virtual brain training?

Because you need a revolution, a system that will give your child the confidence and ability to turn away from an old way of thinking, and move toward a new order in his or her own mind.

You need a learning game change, and a behavioral about-face.

Virtual training programs like Interactive Metronome, Cogmed, FastforWord and more offer your child a learning revolution.

Is it untraditional? ….Sure! But that’s a good thing. Through online training, you have the opportunity to revolutionize your child’s thinking through a familiar and kid-friendly medium (your computer) in a comfortable environment (your home).

Still unsure? Consider the list of benefits below:

  1. Saved money makes cents.  You need a cost-effective way to obtain quality of treatment. Online training saves money by:
    • reducing multiple, costly office visits every week
    • limiting gas and transportation expenses
    • recognizing that time is money. Virtual training reduces time spent wrestling with behavioral issues, homework monitoring, and repeating instructions, etc.
  2. Long-term intervention. If your child requires lengthy or ongoing treatment, at-home training  is completely supportive and invested in seeing your child consistently reach new goals, and improve his or her abilities.
  3. Shareable skill-building. Once you have the software, you are free to share the information with those who will benefit. Multiple family members can learn and address similar issues together. A family activity that pays dividends individually and relationally.
  4. Treatment transparency. Often, parents must stand by and watch a physician work when their children are sick. Or wait for a teacher’s progress report card to understand a child’s academic struggles. Virtual training is different. Parental coaching provides the clarity you seek firsthand, as you witness your child’s strengths and weaknesses, and track improvement.
  5. You’re a team. Parent-child bonding is a good thing, wherever you can find it. Brain-training at home is teamwork. You’ll be there, coaching your child as he or she works through challenges, and high-fiving each other as the rewards for his or her hard work materialize.
  6. Training time on your time. The less time spent working and reworking the family calendar to accommodate office visits, scheduling conflicts, or cancelled appointments, the better. Virtual training allows you and your child to train when the timing is right.
  7. Train on the move. You can take brain training wherever you go. A laptop or tablet becomes an invaluable teacher. Virtual training is able to capitalize on mobile technology, and convenience, like no other treatment can.
  8. Virtual training prevents “brain drain.”  Downtime can be enhanced at home, another family member’s home, or in a hotel room at a resort. The software gives you options, without sacrificing quality of treatment, or quality vacation time.
  9. Ease “chauffeur fatigue.” Kids have a lot going on: swim practice, Little League, piano lessons, and more. And parents are the designated drivers, and sideline spectators, for much of it.  Take the opportunity to provide invaluable brain training without all the travel.
  10. Your child deserves excellence and expertise. Learn2Focus is experienced in remote monitoring and program development. Pioneers in Hawaii, we provide highly effective virtual training solutions. L2F was the first IM provider in Hawaii for IM-Home and has more IM-Home clients on all Hawaiian Islands, South Pacific and Asia.

 We believe we have the right selection of products and programs to be effective “game changers” in your child’s life. Give us the opportunity to help turn things around.