Reading Assistant: Your Child's Personal Fluency and Literacy Tutor
/Walk into any fourth-grade classroom right now for literacy time.
Listen to most of the children read.
You might not hear what you’d expect to hear.
The chapter books will hardly sound like page turners.
The stories may not exactly leap off the page.
Fluency and expression might be noticeably lacking.
In fact, from the sound of it, many children struggle with reading, just like your child struggles.
Maybe they’ve been diagnosed with a learning difference. Perhaps they struggle with a behavioral disorder. Possibly, children just aren’t able to get the individualized oral reading instruction in class that could really help them progress.
Whatever the reason, now is the right time to get your child some support.
So, what’s a parent to do when reading reinforcements are required?
Call in the best tutor and brain trainer you can find.
Employ the use of a qualified, effective, personal reading tutor.
A scientifically proven, technologically current, immediately responsive tutor.
One dedicated to the kind of support and results that will quickly turn reading woes into fluency wins, and comprehension confidence.
The Reading Assistant (RA) program is that tutor.
Learn2Focus offers quality brain training via Reading Assistant right now.
This interactive, online tool has been shown to improve and foster better reading, a higher level of vocabulary retention, and significant gains in comprehension through the help of innovative teaching methods. All supported by real-time interactive, corrective listening and practice. Signs of an excellent tutor by any standard.
Sound good?
Sound too good to be true?
Let’s take a closer look at what a quality tutor like Reading Assistant can do:
1. A quality reading tutor immediate addresses negative reading habits or consistent mistakes. RA is uniquely developed to use speech recognition in a way that corrects and encourages readers, while reading aloud. Every time. No opportunity to teach is missed or overlooked. You can be confident that your child is properly and consistently instructed.
2. A quality reading tutor is non-judgmental. Children who struggle with reading may already feel discouraged, deal with low-self esteem, or cope with social, emotional, and behavioral concerns connected to their academic issues. RA removes any stigma connected to reading and provides simple, straightforward guidance without judgment.
3. A quality tutor makes the most of your time. Reading Assistant provides clear direction and automatic assessment. RA devotes the necessary, intensive practice time to reading, wherever you are. The kind of time required to make significant gains.
4. RA’s tracking system, and interactive nature, also make certain that you and your child know exactly what is being accomplished during that time.Soon, some of the tension surrounding homework and in-school assignments will begin to ease.
5. A quality tutor’s methods are proven. With a pair of noise-canceling headphones and a computer or tablet, RA has been shown to significantly improve reading fluency:
- In 2009, Marion County schools in West Virginia evaluated the impact of the RA program, combined with FastForWord, another helpful brain training tool. Sixty prospective fifth graders, labeled as having “partial mastery” on state assessment tests, improved reading comprehension by more than half a school year on average.
- During the 2010-2011 school year, 2,148 students in grades 1-12 were assessed before and after Reading Assistant use in a multi-site study. Students showed an average improvement of nine months in reading levels, during just six months’ time.
Choose the tutor for your child that is always available, always providing quality, encouraging support, and scientifically backed by educators and researchers.
Reading Assistant transforms your computer into a supportive listener with the truly helpful feedback your child has been waiting for.