Keiki Success Spotlight: Meet Luke

One of my favorite things about writing this blog is getting to share the success stories of the kids who come to Learn 2 Focus. Today, I wanted to share a Keiki Spotlight Success on 11-year-old Luke.


I met Luke for the first time last October when his mom brought him in for an evaluation. When he came to Learn 2 Focus, the testing data supported parental reports that Luke was severely challenged by attention and processing.  He had poor reading comprehension and math skills that set him behind in his school class. His mother was plotting out a financial plan to support what she thought would be a lengthy, multi-program plan to get Luke’s attention on track and caught up to the rest of his class.


About four months after the evaluation, Luke started Interactive Metronome with me. Seven weeks later, Luke’s caught up with the rest of his classmates in reading comprehension. Not only that, but he’s actually surpassed his classmates in math! He says that IM makes him feel more organized, and that after he’s started the program, he can think clearer and feels much calmer, with more energy than before. He also is more coordinated in his motor skills.


His mom is pleased with the results and told me that she also can verify and see visible improvements in Luke. He is able to stay on one task longer and complete his homework with fewer distractions. This is the first time that he’s met his reading goals and actually exceeded his math goals, and there are significant improvements in his handwriting.


Luke completed post testing for IM last week which showed outstanding gains.  He’s exiting the program for now and will be back for a quick brain tune up in July before the 2016 school year begins.  I’m so proud of him!


For me, my role at Learn 2 Focus is about helping local families and kids. I’m blessed to be able to see firsthand such improvements in keiki like Luke, and I love watching them succeed and improve within just a couple months. It’s stories like these that make me love my job!