Back To School Organizational Tips for Kids With ADHD
/School is just around the corner, and in a couple weeks, your kids will be finishing up their summer break. Are you prepared for your keiki going back to school? Maybe you’re sad to see them go back, or maybe a little relieved!
With school, just like summer, there are different kinds of challenges that you may face, especially if you have a child with ADHD. One of the primary challenges is to stay organized, juggling homework, papers, deadlines, school supplies and more. For ADHD children who have impaired executive function, these organization and memory skills can be difficult. Here are 5 simple tips that can help prepare your ADHD kid for the upcoming school semester.
1. Double up
For children with ADHD, remember to bring school supplies and books back and forth every day can add significant stress. Some schools often provide a way for kids to receive a second set of textbooks to keep at home. You can stock a cabinet or close with these supplies, and post a checklist inside the door where your child can make a note whenever she or he removes an item.
2. Labels Are Your Friend
Come up with a paper management system where your child can organize homework using simple labels. For example, a three pocket-type folders in a binder can be labeled “Homework To Do,” “Homework Done,” and “Notices.” (Or, whatever label you need.) You can help your child learn to put homework and notes from teachers in the right folders.
3. Choose Wisely
When you’re shopping for back-to-school supplies, pick the right stuff. ADHD children may have motor-skills difficulties that make handwriting a challenge. If you find an assignment book or planner with larger spaced lines to write in, your child might have an easier time writing. Or, if your child’s backpacks tend to be crammed and stuffed, add pocket-type inserts where he or she can slip papers. An accordion folder can also come in handy.
4. Embrace Lists
Encourage your child to keep a daily to-do list, and divide tasks into groups according to priority (“Important!” or “Less Important”). You can also double check what your child has written, with assignments that the teacher wrote down, so you can ensure accuracy.
5. Get Colorful
Color code books and supplies by subject. For example, use green for all geography book covers, notebook dividers and files. Use red for everything related to history class, and blue for biology. This way, your child can find it easier to stay organized at home and at school.
6. Executive Function Boot Camp
If you missed one of our EFBC camps this summer, we will be offering another during the school year. Our boot camp can help your child with organizational skills, study skills, test taking strategies, communication, and more. We have space for 3 more students, so consider the class if your keiki needs help with strategies in the classroom and at home. Call us today to find out more! 808-352-0116